Ways to Help the Earth
Brought to you by Green Team
Saving Water
-Turn off water while brushing teeth
-Turn off irrigation system during a rainy week
-Take shorter showers
- Turn down water pressure when using your sink or shower
Saving Energy
-Turn off lights and electronics when not needed
-Unplug things not in use, ie cell phone and computer chargers
-Install solar panel
-Bring reusable tray/container for Ki’s lunch
-Bring reusable water bottle, utensils and containers in your packed lunch
-Buy reusable bags for groceries and shopping
-Use scrap paper whenever possible or use whiteboards etc
-Use both sides of the paper
-If you see a piece of trash pick it up and put in proper place
-Put your own trash/recyclables in appropriate bins
-Start a compost bin OR save your vegetable and fruit scraps for San Diego Compost Pickup
-Use email/computers instead of paper whenever possible
Reduce Pollution
-Ride a bike, walk, take the bus or carpool whenever possible
-Avoid pesticides when possible
-Buy “Green” biodegradable cleaning products
-Clean up after your pets
Other Ideas
-Teach others what you know about helping the Earth
-If you see someone do something to hurt the Earth, politely teach them what they can do to help
-Donate money to environmental groups such as Greenpeace or Conservation Fund
-Hug a tree
-Eat less meat (it takes many more resources to grow than other foods)
-Plant succulents/succulent garden
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