Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
April 22 is Earth Day. We will be talking about ways to help and preserve the earth tomorrow in class. I encourage you to also have a "green" conversation at home. The TSC Green Team sent this list of ideas to the teachers as discussion topics or categories to start brainstorming from.
Ways to Help the Earth
Ways to Help the Earth
Brought to you by Green Team
Saving Water
-Turn off water while brushing teeth
-Turn off irrigation system during a rainy week
-Take shorter showers
- Turn down water pressure when using your sink or shower
Saving Energy
-Turn off lights and electronics when not needed
-Unplug things not in use, ie cell phone and computer chargers
-Install solar panel
-Bring reusable tray/container for Ki’s lunch
-Bring reusable water bottle, utensils and containers in your packed lunch
-Buy reusable bags for groceries and shopping
-Use scrap paper whenever possible or use whiteboards etc
-Use both sides of the paper
-If you see a piece of trash pick it up and put in proper place
-Put your own trash/recyclables in appropriate bins
-Start a compost bin OR save your vegetable and fruit scraps for San Diego Compost Pickup
-Use email/computers instead of paper whenever possible
Reduce Pollution
-Ride a bike, walk, take the bus or carpool whenever possible
-Avoid pesticides when possible
-Buy “Green” biodegradable cleaning products
-Clean up after your pets
Other Ideas
-Teach others what you know about helping the Earth
-If you see someone do something to hurt the Earth, politely teach them what they can do to help
-Donate money to environmental groups such as Greenpeace or Conservation Fund
-Hug a tree
-Eat less meat (it takes many more resources to grow than other foods)
-Plant succulents/succulent garden
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Great Artist hard at work

The grade 5 has been been painting, photographing, digitalizing, writing
and set designing in preparation for next week. I'm sure you will enjoy their finished products. Here are a few photos of them during the process.
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